Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Musings" by Gillian St George

I love working on Arches paper.  
Maybe it goes back to my years as a watercolorist and the happy memories of painting 
alongside my mother, sitting in the car in a country lane in England, 
balancing paint water and cups of tea and trying not, in a absent-minded moment, 
to use the tea to rinse the brush!
However, as I'm using acrylic paint and not watercolor, 
maybe the comparison is more likely between paper and canvas.  
I find that paper is an absorbing, well textured and quick surface to paint on 
that accepts both a sheer wet glaze or a thick juicy brush load of acrylic paint.  
Whereas canvas requires a fair many layers of paint 
before the weave of the canvas no longer shows through, 
and when time is short, I'll take any extra help I can get!

8 x 8 matted to 12 x 12
on Arches Paper
I hope you've started collecting art and click HERE to invest in this artwork!
and for pricing & shipping details - many thanks!
Many thanks - truly appreciated!
All the best..........Gillian


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Lisa Cohen said...

This is beautiful!! Great colors!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Gillian, I understand what appears to be simplicity as the magnificent complex gift of yourself that it is. Lucky me to know you in this way! What do you use for your (exquisite) squiggles and scribbles? As someone new to painting in general, and even more new to abstraction and various substrates, your discussion of Arches paper is welcome. Thank you!

Gillian St George - Painting with Passion said...

Thanks Lisa and I look forward to checking out your site.

Gillian St George - Painting with Passion said...

Dotty....squiggles are the hardest part! I try all manner of applications but own nothing yet that is truly perfect in getting a small thin line. However, there are acrylic paint 'tubes' available that I might try. So far I have been using a very thin brush with somewhat watery acrylic paint and for thicker applications the Liquitex acrylic markers are good. I once made the mistake of using a black micron pen but when I varnished the canvas the black ink smudged all over the place and I had a disaster on my hands. I shall follow up when I have a better answer! Bye.....Gillian

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Your squiggles are all the more impressive for your not really having what you'd like to create them! They look very free, spontaneous, and confident. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions. These conversations are the way I like to "go to school." I'll let you know if I discoveries re squiggles in my own explorations. Painful to read about the micron pen disaster!!!

Harmonious Light Collection

"Harmonious Light" Collection by Gillian St George - Artist These past few months have been very productive for me...