Thursday, January 5, 2017

Fluidity #5

Again, only two colors and using a brush not palette knife.  
Permanent Violet Dark and Prussian Blue, make a gorgeous deep purple, 
but not too shabby on their own either.
I am choosing to keep things very simple for this 30 Day Challenge 
as it can be very stressful to add a daily commitment to an already full schedule.  
These 'explorations' are playful, quick and yet still teach me something.  
Are you stressing out or have you chosen an easier path like I have?

"Fluidity #5"
8 x 8 acrylic on paper


COMMENTS  are greatly appreciated!

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And if you want to see my portfolio of work on large canvas click HERE!

Many Thanks!


dotty seiter: now playing said...

Gillian, really fun to see these playful quick explorations. Appreciated your post and the explanation of your intents for the challenge. My hat is off to you for keeping it simple … AND beautiful! In answer to your question, my approach to the challenge this time around is pared back compared to other challenges, but I suspect I could pare back WAY more and might benefit from doing so. Grateful for your model, complete with painted reminders to KISS (Keep It Simple, Silly!).

Gillian St George - Painting with Passion said...

Dotty, thanks for your helpful feedback. I must apologize for being slow in responding as I am having a learning curve difficulty in mastering this darn google site. Half the time I lose the comments and the other half I can't figure out how to get a response to show up! Give me Instagram any day.... Simple!

Harmonious Light Collection

"Harmonious Light" Collection by Gillian St George - Artist These past few months have been very productive for me...