Sunday, August 30, 2015


Sometimes it is all about the connection!  I recently made a great connection with a terrific interior designer, who recommended me this week to a client of hers who needs a  7' long painting for a very prominent place in her contemporary and gorgeous-looking condo.  I am thrilled with the project and shall keep you posted.  

Meanwhile, I completed these three strong, bold pieces this week.  They make a great statement individually, together as a triptych over the couch or dotted about the house for some exciting energy.


"Connectivity 1"

24 x 24

Acrylic on Gallery Canvas


To purchase "Connectivity1" click HERE

These pieces are a triptych (3 paintings that hang alongside each other with a little space between). They span almost 6 feet and with more space in between make for a great grouping above a longer couch in a contemporary setting.  They can be purchased individually as well as together.

"Connectivity 2"

20 x 24

Acrylic on Gallery Canvas


To purchase "Connectivity 2" click HERE

"Connectivity 3"

24 x 24

Acrylic on Gallery Canvas


To purchase "Connectivity 3" click HERE

Hope you make some great connections too this week!

All the best....Gillian

To see more of my artwork click HERE


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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

"Toujours Belle"

One of my favorite paintings from my Narratives Series is a small (10 x 10) painting of an elderly lady in Bayeux, France.  I photographed her, as it turned out when looking back through my images, a couple of times earlier, by way of documenting the large Cathedral and right after she passed through the town square.

Once she caught my eye, I zoomed in and caught the image that I have now painted.

 She is walking back up the steep narrow street, presumably headed home, surrounded by architecture that shouts out "You're in France", with colorful walls, uneven shutters, ornate doorways and bumpy cobblestoned streets.  It tells such a simple, sweet, happy story of life in a foreign place and transports you, if just for a moment, back there, with the delicious smells of the bakery wafting in the breeze, the booming clang of church bells ringing across town and the blue of the sky giving everything a sunny cast to the day!

"Toujours Belle"
10 x 10
Acrylic on Canvas

Since writing this blog, "Toujours Belle" has sold, and is in a very appreciative home!  Thank you!

To see more of my artwork click HERE


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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

"Finding Sanctuary..."

It's not always easy slowing down enough to appreciate life's bounty.  And recognizing the need to change pace can be clouded over with rushing thoughts, deadlines and responsibilities.  Yet, when a gap in the clouds appears......the moment of clarity miraculously changes how one views everything.     Breathing deeply & slowly is a marvelous thing!  Combine it with some yoga, great music and art work that is painted in soothing colors and voila!........ the world is full of joy and rewards again.

Study for "Sanctuary"

8 x8 Acrylic on Arches Paper

Matted & Framed to 12 x 12


To purchase click HERE

We all need sanctuary.... this could be yours!



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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"I mention this only because I am honorable........"

I have entered two paintings, both abstract (non-representational really) into the "Dog Days of Summer" exhibit at Art Uptown Gallery, Sarasota, Florida.

The first is a 12 x 12 acrylic on canvas called "Continuum",  rich in a number of deep blues & neutral Parchment with a bubbling accent of Pyrrole Red to heat it up!

The second painting is an 8x8 acrylic on Arches paper, matted & framed to 12 x 12 called "Orbital" This one is rich in warm yellows offset with dramatic greens and neutral Parchment..

I have not entered any pieces from my 'abstracts' category before so I am curious to see how they play out.  The question every artist asks is "Will they hang or be rejected"?


Acrylic on canvas 12 x 12


To Purchase click HERE


Acrylic on paper - framed to 12 x 12


To Purchase click HERE 

Well......the good news is that they are happily displayed alongside many other paintings, entered by year-round residents, who are also cheering that their art work was not rejected!

AND............ displayed next to "Orbital", coordinating beautifully and getting very cozy together,  is a lovely green ribbon with "Honorable Mention" emblazoned across it.  Yep.  Green Ribbon.  Honorable Mention.

What's that?  Did you ask "Happy girl"? Yes.....very happy. :o)))

 Please join us at 
Artist's Reception
  Friday, August 7th,  6-9 pm
Art Uptown Gallery, 1367 Main St., 
Sarasota, FL.  941-955-5409
And one last thing........ have any of you seen the Facebook Page "Watercolour Addicts"?  What a perfect name.   It's spelled Watercolour with a 'u' in it. (My spell check is complaining :-).  I posted my  "Majestic Magnolias" blog to it last week and a fair number of fellow Addicts commented and asked me questions about colors and techniques.  What a friendly bunch.  Very nice indeed.

How great is it that we can connect with like-minded artists and collectors from all over the globe and make new friends??  Very.

Have an awesome week everyone.


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Monday, August 3, 2015

Squared Away

I painted this piece earlier this year when I was in my oil painting mode.  The lady was a patron of The Tate Modern in London and intently studying the familiar work of Josef Albers.

"Squared Away"

10 x 10 Oil of canvas


To purchase click HERE

Albers, born in 1888 in Germany, was an accomplished artist and thinker and highly regarded, but emigrated to the USA in 1933 with his wife Anni.   He headed up the Black Mountain College arts program in NC until 1950 before becoming a fellow at Yale. He died in 1972.

In 1963 he wrote a book called "The Interaction of Color" (old copies are highly prized) which presented his theory that colors were governed by an internal and deceptive logic.

Albers said "He who claims to see colors independent of their illusionary changes, fools only himself, and none else."

Apparently, in his lectures at Yale (and according to Newsweek), he quickly erased every iota of smugness concerning what you thought you knew about light intensity and brightness, transparency, or color temperature!  Wish I could have been there.  Color theory is a never-ending learning experience!

However........there is an iPad app available of his theory called Interaction of Color by Josef Albers, put out by Yale.  It is very cool!

Hope you see color in a whole new light!
All my best - Gillian


Please note *If purchasing from a mobile device, you may need to go to my web site to access the link:

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Harmonious Light Collection

"Harmonious Light" Collection by Gillian St George - Artist These past few months have been very productive for me...