Whether you are redecorating a room or two in your home or just have a blank wall that needs a focus, buying local art, and becoming a collector, has some wonderful benefits for all involved. But how to afford it?
I use the word 'local', because what I am going to suggest requires that you establish a connection, a repore with the artist, which is harder to do when you are purchasing artwork online, never to meet the creative energy behind it.

Becoming a modest art collector, began for me while being employed as an art framer and during my tenure as joint-owner of a thriving art gallery. Also as an artist, I made friends with other artists and wanted to own and support their endeavors.
In order to afford purchasing their work, I was offered an opportunity to pay for my choices on a monthly basis. I would select a piece, pay a deposit, take it home, make sure it fit the space in design, color & size then give the 'OK' to a signed pre-agreed contract to pay a specific amount for 2 or 3 months until the purchase was complete. It was a win-win situation for us both. I had lovely artwork on the walls, decorating my home, and the artist did not have to store the work, eliminating a space issue, or use up their valuable time trying to exhibit or market the work.
Have you been exposed to inspiring artwork of an up and coming local artist, and wish you could own a piece or two? Perhaps you are planning to redecorate and would love something new, large and fairly expensive? Contacting an artist directly is the way to initiate this possibility. Ask if they sell only thru galleries & if not, make an appointment to see their studio work. When selecting the piece you wish to own, ask about payment options.
Speaking personally, I love to know that my artwork is going to a good caring home, sooner rather than later. That it is being thoroughly enjoyed by others more than just myself - and I look for agreeable ways to make that a realization.
Thanks for supporting and encouraging my artistic endeavors!
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And if you want to see my portfolio of work on large canvas click HERE!
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